Livingmedia Sp. z o.o. Cookie Policy

We use "cookies" or other technologies that collect information about the browser you are using to provide you with comfort and security when using our website. We provide you with information regarding the cookies we use in the form of a cookie banner. Most web browsers allow you to view, delete and manage your cookie settings. For more information, see:  Privacy PolicyList of cookiesList of trusted partners.
What are cookies?

Cookies are small text files sent by a server and are stored on a terminal device (e.g. computer, smartphone). They store information as well as analytical and statistical data necessary for the proper operation of the website to the extent related to the implementation of online streaming. Cookies do not affect the device and do not make configuration changes to the end device. Depending on the type, they are deleted when the browser is closed (session files) or remembered on the device for a specified period of time (permanent files). Cookies affect the improvement of our services.

What technologies called cookies do we use?

Our website uses technologies that store data on the end device for functional and analytical purposes in connection with ensuring the correct operation of the online transmission service. The website may use functionality similar to cookies (e.g. local storage), so the information presented here also refers to these technologies. They may cooperate with cookies and collect and store information for purposes related to providing access to certain functionalities or services on the site for comfortable browsing of the content of our site.

Who is affected by the technology called cookies?

Cookie technology (or functionality similar in operation to cookies) is used every time you visit our website. The files are stored on your device in a way that depends on your preferences and device settings, e.g. browser settings.

Do cookies store personal information?

The information stored, does not contain personal data through which you can be directly identified. Some of them, in conjunction with data obtained as a result of the flow of information related to the company's activities, maintenance of business relationships and conducting communications, may become personal data. Accordingly, the provisions of the Privacy Policy relating to Personal Data, in particular the rights of the data subject, apply. For a list of trusted partners who have access to cookies or who themselves place cookies on our behalf, see List of trusted partners.

For what purpose do we use cookies?

Cookies are necessary for the use of a properly functioning website, for this purpose the stored information includes:

  • limited display and viewing of content,
  • navigating through the website, reading messages closely related to the nature and profile of the online streaming service,
  • optimization and performance of displayed content,
  • inclusion of dynamic content (animation in terms of loading text or images),
  • providing protection and security.

You do not have to give your consent to the use of essential cookies. Necessary cookies are saved by default, allow you to display certain content or provide the service requested by you.

In order to provide you with a comfortable and secure browsing experience on our website, functional and personalization cookies are used to store information including:

  • 1. a selection of your settings,
  • 2. remembering your preferences,
  • 3. identify the user in terms of the content displayed that corresponds to the user's preferences.

Analytical cookies store information about your use of the site. They allow us to improve the services and content presented to provide you with a comfortable and efficient use of our site. The analytical systems collect the following information:

  • analysis and measurability of data related to website visitation,
  • analysis in assessing website popularity,
  • information about your activities on the website (traffic),
  • Web site browsing history,
  • time spent on the website,
  • technical details about the type of Internet browser and IP address,

Promotional cookies are used to present and display to you content for promoting your own services and marketing content. We do not use promotional cookies.

Your consent is required for the use of functional, analytical and promotional cookies.

Deleting cookies

By default, web browsers or other software installed on your computer or other device connected to the network allow certain types of "cookies" to be placed on your device. As part of your privacy settings, you can block or delete cookies from our website or from our partners by making changes to your browser settings at any time that is convenient for you. The method of blocking/deleting cookies will vary depending on the web browser you use. You can find information on how to delete cookies by using the "Help" tab of your browser of choice. For example, in Internet Explorer, cookies can be modified from: Tools -> Internet Options -> Privacy; in Mozilla Firefox browser: Tools -> Options -> Privacy; while in Google Chrome browser: Settings -> Show advanced settings -> Privacy - > Content settings -> Cookies.

Below you will find links to web browsers (including information on how to modify their settings on your terminal equipment):

Chrome (
Internet Explorer ( internet-explorer)
Firefox ( firefox?redirectlocale=pl&redirectslug=usuwanie-ciasteczek)
Opera (
Microsoft Edge ( usuwanie-historii-przegl%C4%85darki-w-programie-microsoft-edge-00cf7943-a9e1-975a-a33d- ac10ce454ca4)
Safari (

For information on how to manage cookies on your cell phone or other mobile device, please refer to the user manual/instruction manual of your particular phone or mobile device.

Please note that the saving of cookies is for the purpose of providing you with access to the correct and uninterrupted use of our website and to enable you to comfortably view all content, messages, as well as play video content on our website.

Deletion of cookies is not equivalent to deletion of Personal Data by the Personal Data Administrator obtained through cookies.